O’Reilly report: Automated code remediation and securing the software supply chain

Patricia Johnson
June 15, 2023
automated code remediation book

Key Takeaways

I had the privilege of working with Moderne’s co-founders, Olga Kundzich and Jonathan Schneider, on an O’Reilly book project that resulted in: Automated Code Remediation: How to Refactor and Secure the Modern Software Supply Chain.

We wrote this report for technical leaders who are dealing with the risk and unpredictability of software supply chains today. How can organizations stay on top of software vulnerabilities and maintenance to gain back control over their applications?

The founders have a distinct story to tell, and I was excited to help bring it to life.

The story starts with what we are all experiencing—that explosion of applications assembled faster than ever from third-party and open-source software. Our foes are security vulnerabilities and the always-present technical debt. Without action, software atrophies—getting harder to secure, maintain, and evolve—and it will eventually stop working. 

Our heroes are the developers, today thwarted by the onslaught of security alerts, repetitive manual work, and outdated software that stunts moving to that next level of innovation. They are navigating a world of noise and daily disruption.

The way through: automated code remediation. This is not just automation of reporting, but a new era of automation designed for 100% accuracy that actually fixes the source code for developers—across teams and repositories—keeping developers in the driver’s seat. 

The resolution of our story is a happy one. Smiling developers are working in cleaner, updated codebases that become better all the time, inherently more secure, and easier to evolve. 

Read this report to learn more about: 

  • The challenges of our current practices for managing software vulnerabilities and maintenance
  • What automated code remediation is and how to adopt this level of automation within development teams
  • The characteristics of the technology driving automated code remediation, including the roles of generative AI and rules-based code automation 
  • Real-world case studies on what leads organizations to automate code remediation and its impact on the way they work
  • How to apply strategies for communicating about and approaching vulnerability management and code maintenance with automated code remediation

You’ll be happy to know that we did not set out to write our War and Peace. It’s a relatively short read that we hope will provide knowledge and direction for getting started on your own automated code remediation journey.

Download the report today!